
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My New St. Patty's Day go-to Bread

  I was at my local supermarket the other day when I spied some 5-oz. cartons of organic spinach on clearance for just $1 each! Of course I had no idea what I planned to do with them, but for $1 I knew I'd figure something out. Yesterday I got online and started looking for new spinach recipes when I came across this recipe for Rustic Spinach-Feta Bread. I just so happened to have some feta in my fridge left-over from something else, so I got to work making bread.
Photo Credit-Saveur
  A note about the recipe. It is intended to be a starter dough for making one loaf at a time over a period of several days. Since I had only a small amount of feta, I did a quarter of the recipe and made one loaf from start to finish. The results were phenomenal. The bread is incredibly moist with a chewy crust that's heavenly. The cheese in the dough creates sort of a very faint sourdough flavor (our guests had no idea it had feta in it until I told them). Also, I made some fresh ricotta for the Baked Spinach Lasagne (I made my own meat sauce and added 1 cup ricotta to the bechamel. Yes, I made my own spinach noodles, and yes, they were fantastic!) I served alongside the bread, so I used ricotta whey in place of the water in the bread dough.
  All-in-all the bread was a huge hit! Because it comes out a pleasant, faint green color I will be using this recipe on St. Patrick's day in place of the ever-ready green food color.

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